Vision & Values 

At The Bridge Academy, our mission is to ensure that all students that attend our Academy, are School Ready, Work Ready and Life Ready, prepared for transition of academic challenges ahead, but also with the essential social, and emotional skills needed to thrive within, and beyond, the classroom.  

We have five RAISE values that are understood and demonstrated by Everyone, Everywhere, Every time. They are:

Demonstrate RESPECT for oneself.  

Demonstrate RESPECT towards others.  

Demonstrate RESPECT towards the learning environment. 
Be ASPIRATIONAL to re-integrate into a mainstream school.  

Be ASPIRATIONAL for a positive Post 16 placement.  

Be ASPIRATIONAL for a successful future career. 
Have INDEPENDENCE to do the right thing.  

Have INDEPENDENCE in looking after yourself. 

 Have INDEPENDENCE in doing things for yourself, to keep healthy & safe. 
We listen to and follow instructions – first time, every time. We use appropriate language. We ask for help if we need it. We know what we want from our future. We make good choices and stand by our values. We believe in ourselves. 
Success Engagement
Have SUCCESS in the decisions we take.  

Have SUCCESS in keeping yourself and others safe.  

Have SUCCESS in academic and vocational education. 
Demonstrate ENGAGEMENT by being on time.  

Demonstrate ENGAGEMENT by completing the task ahead.  

Demonstrate ENGAGEMENT by working hard. 
We are in the right place, at the right time. We take responsibility for our actions to keep each other safe. We are in school on time every day and dressed appropriately. We are in every lesson and stay to complete the work.