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Ms Emma Wakefield

Assistant Headteacher (Inclusion) / SENDCo

I wanted to take this opportunity to introduce myself as the new Bridge Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator, also known as the SENDCo. I also wanted to answer a few common questions around Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and ensure that you have the necessary details to contact me for any SEND related queries.

My Role and Experience

I joined The Bridge Secondary School in September 2022 as Key Stage 3 teacher, having previously been a SENDCo in a number of local schools over the past 16 years. I have undertaken additional training in a number of areas including: Behaviour and Culture; Dyslexia; Autism; ADHD; Sensory Processing Difficulties; Trauma Informed Practice and Emotion Coaching. I am really excited to have been appointed as the new SEND Leader across both the Primary and Secondary sites.

Education, Health and Care Plans

A large proportion of my work involves gathering evidence and applying for Education, Health and Care Plans to support our pupils and facilitate transition to new settings. More information on Education, Health and Care Plans can be found at Staffordshire Connects | EHCPs (Education Health and Care Plans), Assessments and Reviews.


A common misconception around special educational needs is that this refers solely to cognition or learning difficulties. Special Educational Needs also covers:

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health (including Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder ADHD);
  • Communication and Interaction difficulties (such as Autism Spectrum Condition ASC); and
  • Sensory and Physical difficulties

Referral to specialist agencies for assessment of potential neurodiversity (such as ADHD or Autism) can be completed by the school.


SEND Information Report

Contact Details

If you have any questions about your child regarding Special Educational Needs and Disabilities and you want to talk further about these, then please contact me via the School Office: 01543 255872 or via email