
Dear family and new student,

Welcome to The Bridge AP Academy

On behalf of all staff here, I am delighted to welcome you to The Bridge AP Academy. This is an exciting time for you, as you join us for the next stage in your education.

At The Bridge AP Academy, the starting point of our work is that every child can, and will, achieve. Our mission is to ensure that those that attend our Academy, are School Ready, Work Ready and Life Ready, prepared for transition ahead, with the essential social, and emotional skills needed to thrive within, and beyond, the classroom.

We are becoming a digital school; therefore, you can find all the information you need about our school, below. The Senior Leader that meets you for your admission meeting will walk you through the information to be successful here, as well as setting clear targets for you to meet.

All staff here are welcoming and friendly. We have the best interests of children at the heart of everything we do, so please do not hesitate to talk through anything with us.

With best wishes for a successful placement,

Elliot Payne

Head of School

Important information for new parents / carers

If your child has medical conditions that you need to make us aware of, or requires medication to be given during the day, please visit this page of our website: