Welcome from the Head of School

Elliot Payne BA (Hons) PGCE NPQLBC
Head of School

On behalf of all staff here, I am delighted to welcome you to The Bridge AP Academy. This is an exciting time for our school, as we embark on an exciting future within Arthur Terry Learning Partnership.  

At The Bridge AP Academy, the starting point of our work is that every child can, and will, achieve. Our mission is to ensure that those that attend our Academy, are School Ready, Work Ready and Life Ready, prepared for transition ahead, with the essential social, and emotional skills needed to thrive within, and beyond, the classroom.  

We welcome students from Years 1 to 11, who have either been permanently excluded, or on a dual registration prevention placement. We give students a second chance through a sequenced Core curriculum; Widening Horizon’s opportunities; and a wraparound pastoral support offer that ensures their personal development needs are met.   

We want to ensure that our children will move on to their next steps knowing that as a Bridge Academy Graduate, success is achievable, is deserved, is comfortable, and is always what they work towards, because they’ve experienced it with us through their studies and opportunities and support that we’ve given them. 

If you would like more information about our provision, or would like to visit, please do not hesitate to contact me directly.  

Elliot Payne 
Head of School